The Rights of Women in Afghanistan: What must we do?

Sep 17, 2024 | News and Media

An important event on the rights of women in Afghanistan was held on September 17 in New York, at the United Nations Headquarters. The purpose of the event (Crisis in Afghanistan: What Must the International Community Do to Support and Restore Women’s Fundamental Rights) was to address the severe and escalating women’s rights crisis in Afghanistan, marked by the Taliban’s systematic oppression of women through restrictive decrees.

The Hellenic Mission was prompt to suggest ways for the international community to support and restore those women’s fundamental rights through international policies and through the draft Treaty on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity.

Women’s empowerment and of course gender-equality constitute one of the main priorities of Greece, especially within the framework of its tenure at the Security Council for the biennium 2025/26. In his speech, the Permanent Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to the United Nations stressed that he felt inspired by the courage of Afghani women and guaranteed that Greece will pursue the immediate reversal of all restrictions suffocating the fundamental rights of women and girls.

Crisis in Afghanistan: What Must the International Community Do to Support and Restore Women’s Fundamental Rights [23:00:00]