Greece is a firm advocate of the purpose and fundamental principles enshrined in the UN Charter. As a founding member of the United Nations with an established democracy, Greece has always supported dialogue and diplomacy on the basis of International Law, as the sole viable means for achieving the Organization’s main objectives of international peace, security, development and the promotion of human rights.

Peaceful settlement of disputes
The peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue and diplomacy is among the fundamental principles of the UN Charter that form the bedrock of the United Nations. Being a staunch supporter of the primacy of International Law, Greece, as an elected member of the UN’s Security Council, will seek to employ a wide array of tools for the prevention and resolution of international disputes, including by addressing the root causes and drivers of conflicts. Simultaneously Greece will promote the Security Council’s central role in conflict prevention and peace-building, through synergies and cooperation with international, regional and sub-regional organizations.
Greece also supports the implementation of the Secretary General’s Our Common Agenda, in order to improve the effectiveness of the UN – centered multilateral system in crisis and conflict response.

Respect for International Law and the rules and principles of the UN Charter
Greece is strongly committed to promoting rules-based multilateralism, on the basis of International Law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter.
In this context, Greece will cooperate with all members of the United Nations to uphold the collective security system established by the Charter, emphasizing the prohibition of the use, or the threat of use of force. As a country whose foreign policy is defined by the need for respect for International Law, including International Humanitarian Law, Greece is determined to promote a Charter-compliant approach to all matters relating to international peace and security.
Peace and security cannot prevail in the absence of development and growth. Hence, Greece concentrates its development efforts and allocates its aid – including assistance through capacity building, by means of transfer of know-how and expertise – with the aim of contributing to the reduction of poverty and inequality in the world, the consolidation of peace and stability, the effective management of migration flows and the respect for cultural heritage.

Women, Peace and Security
The equal representation of women in decision-making, including in peace processes, remains a decisive factor of progress in our collective efforts to achieve inclusive and sustainable peace and development.
Greece, a signatory party to all major international human rights instruments, attaches high priority to the realization of substantive gender equality and combating any form of discrimination and violence based on gender or sexual orientation, both domestically and globally.
In this context, Greece reiterates its commitment to contribute substantially, as an elected member of the Security Council, to the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) through its cooperation with all relevant stakeholders in order to prevent and address sexual violence in conflict, to ensure accountability for the perpetrators and relief and recovery for survivors and to enhance the participation and leadership of women, as agents of change, in conflict resolution, peace-building and mediation efforts.

Climate, Peace and Security
Climate change disrupts millions of people’s lives and poses a serious threat to international security and prosperity. Food insecurity, water scarcity, epidemics, health risks, displacement and instability are all common consequences. In our interdependent world, enhanced multilateral cooperation is essential in order to address climate change and the emerging environmental challenge. Greece, as a member of the Group of Friends on Climate and Security, supports the need to advance the UN’s response to climate-related security risks and to promote enhanced cooperation, including the systematic mainstreaming of climate and environmental issues into the UN Security Council’s regular work.
Greece, as a signatory party to all major international environmental conventions and protocols, actively participates in ongoing multilateral efforts to strengthen environmental protection at all levels, for the benefit of present and future generations. In this regard, Greece is strongly committed to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda and will prioritize the achievement of their goals.

Children and Armed Conflict
Greece reiterates its principled position of protecting and promoting children’s rights as well as eliminating all forms of violence and abuse against them, especially in times of conflict.
Guided by relevant international norms and standards, Greece as an elected member of the UN Security Council, will continue to actively promote and integrate the principles of the best interest of the child, of non-discrimination, of doing no harm and of a child rights-based approach to all peace efforts, in accordance with the 2017 Policy on Child Protection in United Nations peace operations
Greece will also prioritize accountability for violations committed against children in armed conflict, by focusing on both prevention and remedy through the effective functioning of child-friendly judicial and non-judicial mechanisms and will actively promote strong synergies with international partners that take into account and give voice to children’s actual needs.

Maritime Security
Greece attaches great importance to maritime security and respect for International Law at seas and oceans. Safe seas and oceans are fundamental for blue growth, energy security, supply operations, and the achievement of sustainable development.
Illegal activities at sea such as piracy, terrorist acts, arms trafficking, human trafficking of migrants and Illegal Unregulated Unreported (IUU) fishing constitute major maritime security threats. Their interconnection requires an integrated approach. Greece is fully committed to the implementation of the security-related United Nations body of work.
Greece will further promote respect for the Law of the Sea and the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), as the sole legal and institutional framework governing the world’s oceans and seas.