UN Human Rights Council’s 57th Session: ‘We are at a fork in the road’

Sep 10, 2024 | News and Media

The fifty seventh session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) is taking place in Geneva from September 9 to October 11. In his speech, High Commissioner Turk once again underlined his grave concern over the growing challenges facing Human Rights globally, stressing that humanity is ‘at a fork in the road’ in terms of urgency.

A year earlier, the Human Rights Council established the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan, with a mandate to investigate violations and abuses of human rights, in the context of the ongoing armed conflict in the area. The Mission submitted its findings in a comprehensive report presented during the Session’s works (September 10).

In the enhanced dialogue which followed, the Hellenic Mission supported the recommendations of the Fact-Finding Mission and called for immediate cessation of hostilities and of arms transfers to the warring factions. As an elected member at the United Nations Security Council, and pursuant to its commitment to prioritize accountability for violations committed against women and children in armed conflict, Greece will continue to work with its partners in the EU and beyond to support human rights defenders and intensify efforts to strengthen the international rules-based order.

UNHRC: Enhanced interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in the Sudan