Children Protection in Conflict Zones: Greece cohosts high-level event @ UNGA79

Sep 23, 2024 | News and Media

The 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly opened on September 10, welcoming leaders from across the world to deliberate on a series of pressing issues for humanity. This year’s High-Level Week (September 23-27) marks a crucial milestone in the global effort to accelerate progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

On September 23, Greece together with Algeria, Belgium, Canada, Luxemburg and Malta were the cohosts of a high-level event focusing on the United Nation’s Children and Armed Conflict Agenda (CAAC). Titled “Strengthening Humanitarian Access for Enhanced Child Protection in Conflict Zones,” the event welcomed experts and practitioners who shared their valuable insights with regard to operational approaches, legal obligations and tools used in conflict affected areas.

Under International Humanitarian Law, parties to a conflict are obliged to protect children from the effects of hostilities. Alas, this is not happening an various violations are being reported every day. In 2023 alone, the UN verifies 5,205 incidents of denial of humanitarian access, a 32% increase from previous year.

Having set the CAAC Agenda as one of its six main priorities for its tenure on the Security Council of the United Nations, Greece is particularly sensitive to the promotion and effective implementation of the main goals of this Agenda. Greece also prioritizes accountability for violations committed against children in armed conflict, by focusing on both prevention and remedy.

The event was powered by Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict and Save the Children International