The 2024 World Health Summit (WHO), the unique international strategic forum for global health took place from October 13-15 in Berlin, Germany under the theme “Building trust for a healthier world”.
Greek Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis represented the Hellenic Republic as one of the keynote speakers during the high-level event for the first WHO investment round which followed the main works, in the presence of senior governement officials, representatives of the business community and international investor and philanthropist Bill Gates, together with the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
In his address, Mr. Georgiades noted that our country recently emerged from a major economic crisis, during which the national health system could not cope without the support of the WHO, therefore we remain thankful and grateful. Acknowledging the great contribution of the WHO, Mr. Georgiadis noted that Greece is and will remain one of its most important supporters, with contributions totaling more than 20 million euros for the coming years.
The World Health Organisation works with 194 Member States, providing leadership on global health matters and shaping the health agenda. The WHO Country Office in Greece was established in 2018 and is located in Athens, providing a platform for daily collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Health and other stakeholders on national health priorities. The Country Office assists the Greek Government in shaping the national health agenda, providing technical support and monitoring and assessing health trends.